NEXCYIA & Moventia
Location: Grand Theatre upstairsTime: 21:00  
NEXCYIA is an African-American/French sound artist, and experimental ambient musician based between Berlin and Paris. His compositions seamlessly blend immersive sound design and textural soundscapes using elements of noise, granular synthesis, found sounds and rhythms. His work traverses various moods and emotions, delving into themes of otherness and belonging, using an approach of ayering and manipulating archival audio sourced and compiled from home videos and the deep corners of the internet. During Hybrid, NEXCYIA will be accompanied by Moventia, the vj-ing side-quest of audio-visual artist Niki Cardoso Zaupa. In his visual work, Moventia employs algorithmic generative imagery, abstracted found footage and multi-sensorial data visualisations to accompany and complement sound in the most organic way possible.
NEXCYIA - Ancestor (video - Haunter Records, 2024)

Saturday March 1st 2025  

Music festival for possible futures by OOST & VERA.